Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Crappy Crap Crap Weekend

I was really looking forward to this weekend. It was my 3-day weekend. I had Friday afternoon off and I don't have to be to work until Tuesday at 1pm. I was going to nap, knit, bake, wrap presents, and go bowling. The best laid plans...

I couldn't knit anything to save my life. I wasted sugar and a cup of butter (real butter, not margarine. BUTTER!) on what are now door stops. The washer broke down and I am going to have to bring my laundry home to my mother's like a freshman. My hands are raw from wringing out wet towels, which I have been drying for 2 days. (And don't tell me to go to the laundromat). No presents got wrapped, bowling was canceled. I HATE this weekend.

On Friday before I left work, I came across what looked like a great cookbook Better Homes and Gardens Classic Cookies. The pretty pink and white spiral cookies on the front won me over and I wanted to make them! What a mistake. I knew the instant I started putting in the flour it was all wrong. There didn't seem to be enough of the other ingredients to mix with the flour it took a lot of work to incorporate the flour and then I had to work the dye into half the dough. So bad.

Check out video footage of the best tasting door stops anywhere, 'cause yeah, it tasted fine. I just can't roll it out or do anything to it. Oh, did I mention there was shoveling, 'cause there was an hour of shoveling wet heavy snow. The shoveling was the final straw. I had to resort to store bought cookies.

Just to prove someone had a good weekend here is a picture of my cat Griffin and some of his "Yarn Art".

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